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tomodo ops-manager

Manage MongoDB Ops Manager deployments


tomodo ops-manager create

Provision an Ops Manager instance


tomodo ops-manager create

Options and Flags


  • Description: The deployment's name; auto-generated if not provided.
  • Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager create --name my-ops-manager


  • Description: The port that Ops Manager server should expose.
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: No (default: 8080)
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager create --port 8080


  • Description: The start port that App DB server should expose.
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: No (default: 20000)
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager create --app-db-port 27000


  • Description: Whether or not to use a 3-member replica set for Ops Manager's App DB.
  • Type: Boolean
  • Required: No (default: --no-replicate-app-db)
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager create --replicate-app-db

tomodo ops-manager add-server

Add one of more servers to Ops Manager. These servers can then be used in Ops Manager to deploy MongoDB instances.


tomodo ops-manager add-server <OPS_MANAGER_NAME>

Options and Flags


  • Description: The nodes' name; auto-generated if not provided.
  • Type: String
  • Required: No
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager add-server my-ops-manager --name mongonode


  • Description: The port range that the server should expose. If another container is already listening to any of the ports in the range, the action will fail.
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: No (default: 27017)
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager add-server my-ops-manager --port 27017


  • Description: The number of servers to provision.
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: No (default: 1)
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager add-server my-ops-manager --count 3


  • Description: The Ops Manager project ID.
  • Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager add-server my-ops-manager \
      --project-id 66d0b5864b2501271f521ad9 \
      --api-key 66d0b5984b2501271f521b1c4720cd6cc47e2d838639800ca0dd7e19


  • Description: The Ops Manager Agent API key.
  • Type: String
  • Required: Yes
  • Example:

    tomodo ops-manager add-server my-ops-manager \
      --project-id 66d0b5864b2501271f521ad9 \
      --api-key 66d0b5984b2501271f521b1c4720cd6cc47e2d838639800ca0dd7e19