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tomodo provision

Provision a MongoDB deployment.

tomodo provision --help


tomodo provision standalone

Provision a standalone MongoDB deployment


tomodo provision standalone

Options and Flags


  • Description: The deployment's start port
  • Type: Integer, between 0 and 65535
  • Required: No (default: 27017)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --port 27111


  • Description: The MongoDB image name/repo (NOTE: you probably don't want to change it)
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongo)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --image-repo "mongo"


  • Description: The MongoDB image tag, which determines the MongoDB version to install
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: latest)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --image-tag "7.0.7"


  • Description: The deployment's name; auto-generated if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: generated randomly)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --name "mymongodb"


  • Description: Whether the deployment should be ephemeral and not persist data.
  • Type: Flag
  • Required: No (default: --no-ephemeral)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --ephemeral


  • Description: The Docker network to provision the deployment in; will create a new one or use an existing one with the same name if such network exists
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongo_network)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --network-name "my-docker-net"


  • Description: Admin username; no authentication if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: null)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --username "foo" --password "bar"


  • Description: Admin password; no authentication if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: null)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --username "foo" --password "bar"

tomodo provision replica-set

Provision a MongoDB replica set deployment


tomodo provision replica-set

Options and Flags


  • Description: The deployment's start port
  • Type: Integer, between 0 and 65535
  • Required: No (default: 27017)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --port 27111


  • Description: The MongoDB image name/repo (NOTE: you probably don't want to change it)
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongo)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --image-repo "mongo"


  • Description: The MongoDB image tag, which determines the MongoDB version to install
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: latest)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --image-tag "7.0.7"


  • Description: The deployment's name; auto-generated if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: generated randomly)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --name "mymongodb"


  • Description: Whether the deployment should be ephemeral and not persist data.
  • Type: Flag
  • Required: No (default: --no-ephemeral)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --ephemeral


  • Description: The number of replica set members to provision
  • Type: Integer, Enum: [1, 3, 5, 7]
  • Required: No (default: 3)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --replicas 3


  • Description: Add an arbiter node to the replica set
  • Type: Flag
  • Required: No (default: --no-arbiter)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --arbiter


  • Description: The Docker network to provision the deployment in; will create a new one or use an existing one with the same name if such network exists
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongo_network)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --network-name "my-docker-net"


  • Description: Admin username; no authentication if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: null)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --username "foo" --password "bar"


  • Description: Admin password; no authentication if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: null)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision replica-set --username "foo" --password "bar"

tomodo provision sharded

Provision a MongoDB sharded cluster


tomodo provision sharded

Options and Flags


  • Description: The deployment's start port
  • Type: Integer, between 0 and 65535
  • Required: No (default: 27017)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --port 27111


  • Description: The MongoDB image name/repo (NOTE: you probably don't want to change it)
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongo)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --image-repo "mongo"


  • Description: The MongoDB image tag, which determines the MongoDB version to install
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: latest)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --image-tag "7.0.7"


  • Description: The deployment's name; auto-generated if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: generated randomly)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --name "mymongodb"


  • Description: Whether the deployment should be ephemeral and not persist data.
  • Type: Flag
  • Required: No (default: --no-ephemeral)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --ephemeral


  • Description: The number of replica set members to provision in each shard
  • Type: Integer, Enum: [1, 3, 5, 7]
  • Required: No (default: 3)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --replicas 3


  • Description: The number of shards to provision
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: No (default: 2)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --shards 5


  • Description: The number of mongos routers
  • Type: Integer
  • Required: No (default: 1)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --mongos 2


  • Description: The number of config server replica set members
  • Type: Integer, Enum: [1, 3, 5, 7]
  • Required: No (default: 1)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --config-servers 3


  • Description: Add an arbiter node to each shard
  • Type: Flag
  • Required: No (default: --no-arbiter)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --arbiter


  • Description: The Docker network to provision the deployment in; will create a new one or use an existing one with the same name if such network exists
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongo_network)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision sharded --network-name "my-docker-net"

tomodo provision atlas

Provision a local MongoDB Atlas deployment


tomodo provision atlas

Options and Flags


  • Description: The deployment's start port
  • Type: Integer, between 0 and 65535
  • Required: No (default: 27017)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision atlas --port 27111


  • Description: The MongoDB version to install
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: latest)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision atlas --image-tag "7"


  • Description: The MongoDB Atlas image name/repo (note: you probably don't want to change it)
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongodb/mongodb-atlas-local)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision atlas --image-repo "mongodb/mongodb-atlas-local"


  • Description: The MongoDB Atlas image tag (note: you probably don't want to change it)
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: main)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision atlas --image-tag "main"


  • Description: The deployment's name; auto-generated if not provided
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: generated randomly)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision atlas --name "mymongodb"


  • Description: The Docker network to provision the deployment in; will create a new one or use an existing one with the same name if such network exists
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: mongo_network)
  • Example:

    tomodo provision atlas --network-name "my-docker-net"


  • Description: Admin username
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: "admin")
  • Example:

    tomodo provision atlas --username "foo" --password "bar"


  • Description: Admin password
  • Type: String
  • Required: No (default: "admin")
  • Example:

    tomodo provision standalone --username "foo" --password "bar"